“We can’t always choose the music life plays for us but we can choose how we dance to it” – unknown

Well this is certainly not the spring season we were expecting.  As you all make changes in your daily lives to keep family and community safe and healthy, we wanted to assure you that our team is here to provide you with the full service beyond your expectations.  

Last week, I began spearheading conference calls with agents across the country to see how they were adapting their practices and developing new tools in response to COVID 19. My ever-creative team and I have spent many hours researching technology-enhanced options for showing homes and developing best practices to keep sellers and buyers safe.  The result is that we stand ready to work with you to offer the best combination of services that meet your needs and comfort level and are fully responsive to government and CDC recommendations and requirements. 

Below we describe strategies we are developing for sellers and buyers. We want to know your thoughts on these ideas and encourage your creative input as well so please write us back in the comments section. 

Sellers: We are developing Live Interactive Virtual Open Houses and Showings to get people through your home safely.  Since a majority of people are working from home and may welcome a break, why not consider a Lunchtime Live Virtual Open House!

While standard virtual tours are nothing new and don’t seem to add much value to our buyer’s experience (buyers please weigh in), a personalized virtual tour allows people to ask questions in real time throughout the tour. This enhanced service is an efficient way to drive interest in the home.  If the buyer is intrigued, we can discuss the options for doing an exclusive showing of the house. 

Seller Comments and Feedback

Buyers: We can provide these same personalized virtual tours as mentioned above, as long as the Sellers are willing to have Heather Woodruff, the Team’s Buyers Agent, and I through their home.  If you’d like to see the house in person, we’ll work with the sellers to come up with a personalized plan.

Buyer Comments and Feedback

Confused and want to talk or brainstorm?  Click here and we can schedule a conference call from the comfort of your own home.  We don’t know how this will affect us day-to-day, however we can provide updates on our creative ideas and what we are seeing in the market.  We will have a Facebook page and Website that is being designed as this email is being written; our way of updating everyone on how the Corona Virus is affecting the Real Estate market. We can’t choose the music life plays but we can choose how to dance to it.  We have chosen to create ways to serve our clients better and keep everything in perspective. We are grateful to all of you for your support.

Your Creative Real Estate Team,

Heather Murphy – President – Listing Specialist

Heather Woodruff – Buyers Specialist

Christine – Operations & Marketing Director

Guila Retiban – Transaction Manager