Forbearance Numbers Are Lower than Expected

Forbearance Numbers Are Lower than Expected

Originally, some housing industry analysts were concerned that the mortgage forbearance program (which allows families to delay payments to a later date) could lead to an increase in foreclosures when forbearances end. Some even worried that we might relive the...
Is the Health Crisis Driving Buyers Out of Urban Areas?

Is the Health Crisis Driving Buyers Out of Urban Areas?

The pandemic has caused consumers to re-examine the components that make up the “perfect home.” Many families are no longer comfortable with the locations and layouts of their existing homes. The allure of city life (more congested) seems to be giving way to either...
Why This Summer Is the 2020 Real Estate Season

Why This Summer Is the 2020 Real Estate Season

With stay-at-home orders starting to gradually lift throughout parts of the country, data indicates homebuyers are jumping back into the market. After many families put their plans on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic, what we once called the busy...
New Technology Innovations

New Technology Innovations

As the world faces this unprecedented situation, society as a whole is forced to make adjustments.   Instead of wondering what we were going to do or wait for COVID-19 to pass, we took action right away.  Researching, not only new ways to run our business...
Keys to Selling Your House Virtually

Keys to Selling Your House Virtually

In a recent survey by, people thinking about selling their homes indicated they’re generally willing to allow their agent and some potential buyers inside if done under the right conditions. They’re less comfortable, however, hosting an open...
What If I Need to Sell My Home Now? What Can I Do?

What If I Need to Sell My Home Now? What Can I Do?

Every day that passes, people have a need to buy and sell homes. That doesn’t stop during the current pandemic. If you’ve had a major life change recently, whether with your job or your family situation, you may be in a position where you need to sell your home...